Wednesday 22 May 2013

Cowlens Golf Offer Profit Share Scheme

Cowlens Golf operates a profit share scheme to allow potential customers an opportunity to enter into the golf simulator arena with affordable packages to help their business get started.

Cowlens Golf was launched to offer businesses an opportunity to see the return on investment that can be achieved through indoor golf simulators without investing a lot of risk capital or having to approach a lender before setting up an indoor golf facility. Our aim is to demonstrate the return of investment that is possible over a maximum of three years. If you are considering running an indoor golf facility this is a safe place to start. Once you have seen the potential, we hand over the simulator at a discounted rate. Any further purchases for expansion would then be made directly though Sports Coach Golf Simulator distributors as our role is simply to help new businesses to enter the market.

Customers receive on going technical support throughout the profit share scheme at no cost, with the option to continue with a support contract at the end of the lease term. More details about this exiting venture can be found on the Cowlens Golf Simulator website

Please feel free to comment on any of our blog entries and we will try to answer as many questions as we can. This blog will cover several aspects in golf simulation including pricing, comparing features, how golf simulators work and much more.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept on the profit share. Is this still available?
