Thursday 10 October 2013

Wanting More Access to Golf?

Golf in the winter months doesn’t have the same allure as golf in the summer does it? Trudging around a golf course in winter lacks appeal to all but the most enthusiastic golfer. Even those keen to play may find that their my fair weather golfing partners have already accepted defeat and packed up for the year. Other, things seem to take priority.

But what if there was a full 18 hole virtual golf club near you that was open all year round? What if that golf course was easily accessible, and playing on it meshed neatly with your daily routine?

Leisure centres, amusement arcades and bowling alleys located in or near our high streets sound unlikely places to have golf simulator facilities. But maybe, if these premises offered access to golf simulators, people would actually use them. After all, people visit these places to get fit, play competitive sports or to have some recreation time. Is that not the same reason why people play golf?

A suitable premises doesn’t have to be a golf course or virtual golf facility. In fact, these places could even be discouraging to an amateur golfer. Some people are just looking for an excuse to be able to play or practice at a time that fits into their daily routine.

Consider these scenarios for a moment:

If you were to go to the gym, you may think you have no time to practice your golf that same evening. But if there was a golf simulator at the gym, would you not be tempted to sneak in some practice?

Children love to play in amusement arcades. If you were to take your youngsters on a day out and found yourself dragged into an amusement arcade, and noticed that a golf simulator had been installed, would you be able to resist a few swings to rid yourself of that disastrous hook?

What if you go bowling one evening to compete with your friends and notice a golf simulator has been installed. How long would it take before the rivalry moves onto a nearest to pin competition, or another planned visit is tabled to play greensomes?

At Cowlens Golf, we are particularly interested in the more unusual premises such as these. We believe that these venues would capture the passing trade that is not experienced by specialist golf centres.

If you have a premises such as this and have previously overlooked golf simulators due to high costs - or because you are worried about the footfall, then our low price, low risk package may just be the answer.

To find out more about our simulator package, take a look at our website,

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