Thursday 6 June 2013

What Locations Suit a Golf Simulator

First of all, the space needs to be 3m high to allow for a club swing. That immediately narrows down a number of possible locations before you even consider the demographic. However, there will still be plenty of hot spots that will suit. Find a location that is easy to access. It should be located where it is visible from the road, has parking space for a couple of cars and in a place that does not attract extortiionate High Street rents. The best places are just on the edge of town. Players would probably drive for 20-25 minutes to access your facility. Golf simulators work well in bowling alleys, leisure centres, golf clubs, and even airports as they attract passing custom. If however, you are focusing on the local demographic and intend to set up your facility in its own premises, then you should consider locations that are quite near to golf clubs.

Whilst you are considering your location, look at other amenities in the area. Spend some time looking at people traffic and see which areas seem to have a relatively steady flow of people - such as near supermarkets, a post office, health club etc.

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