Tuesday 4 June 2013

What to Look For in a Golf Simulator

Golfers and Simulators do make a nice match - but customers are not always golfers! You need to offer entertainment and value in addition to offering an accurate golf simulator. A quality indoor golf center can offer this. When considering a golf simulator, the first and foremost requirement is simplicity. Players should be able to understand the system easily so they can get started and play straight away.

Secondly, look for a simulator that is rich in features. You should draw up a list of requirements and compare several systems together. Look first of all for the quality of data - such as spin, distance, carry, roll, launch angle, club face angle etc. The more data that is offered, will suggest a more accurate simulator. Look for the variety of play modes - for example, how many courses can be played, can a team of four players play a game? What types of game can be played - e.g Medal stroke play, Greensomes, four ball etc. Look for quick game modes for small groups that don't really want to play a whole round - for example longest drive competitions, nearest the pin, putting competitions and so on. Finally, consider the simulator as a training aid for serious players - does the simulator have a driving range, analysis feature, or short game training modes?

The best golf simulators mix both high quality feedback for serious golfers with entertainment for customers that are playing for fun.

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